Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance

Lots happened today. First, Erin left for Charleston on business today. :( I don't like it when he is gone. But, tonight I got to do what I've been looking forward to for months. I went to the "So You Think You Can Dance Tour" with my friends Tanya and Kim. It was such a fun night. We had dinner first and then headed downtown to the Sommett Center for the show. I watched this show all season...I mean I didn't miss a single episode. We bought the cheapest seats for the tour and I figured we would need binoculars for it. But, when we got there our seats could not have been more perfect!! They were literally the best seats in the house! They were just above the floor level seats which ended up being perfect because we were stage level and were looking straight on at the dancers. So, perfect! My absolute favorite dancer was Danny. I've never seen anyone like it. Every technically trained dancer I know has said that he is one of the best dancers they've ever seen. But, I liked some of the other too, of course. Here are some of the dances we got to see.

Skip ahead to his dance...its worth it!

This dance was about a flower and hummingbird.

1 comment:

travisandreba said...

Okay Bethany thats kind of weird because we went to it too. I don't know if Travis told you and we bought the cheap seats too and sat in like the exact same spot. I had never watched the show before but I watched it once and I kept watching it. Danny really is an amazing dancer and that is mostly why I watched it. Some people I have told about it I dont think understand what I mean when I tell them how good he is. It was fun for us to go so glad you got to go too. See you soon!