Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wine, Cheese, and Grandparents

Like wine and cheese, grandparents just get better with age. We had the best time with my grandparents this past weekend. My sweet grandpa has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and so Erin and I trekked out to Oklahoma City for a quick weekend visit.

One of the things we enjoyed doing was looking at all the scrapbooks we had dating back to the 1800's!! I brought several books back with me to use some family photos for artwork in our new house. My scanner went kaput so I can only show you one picture.Can you tell which is my mom? From left, Mom(Diane), Grandma, Huck, Grandpa, Susan, Cathy, Great Grandma VanScyoc (I think). Wasn't Grandma pretty?!

Here are just a few things I love about my grandparents:
  • Grandpa and Grandma are still in love. They still adore each other, kiss each other good morning and goodnight, and are attentive to each others needs. Its so sweet and gives me hope that we can beat the divorce statistics.
  • There isn't a single divorce in that family...pretty cool statistic.
  • Grandpa is the original Dave Ramsey, seriously. He and Erin talked about the right way to do real estate all weekend. :)
  • Grandma, even with her Alzheimer's/dementia, still has such a great sense of humor and personality.
  • They are faithful to the Lord and put their faith into practice.
  • They both have a sweet tooth - that's where I got it from :)
  • Their main concern in death is each other and their children, not themselves.
  • They love music and dancing. (As evidenced by how much they LOVE the Lawrence Welk show)


Grandma S said...

Love the picture. That is not Great Grandma Van Scyoc. I think it is Grandpa's aunt Etta, or Aunt Netta (twins).

The Girl in 3A said...

Whoa...your mom looks like Zion in that picture! Neat! :o) Can't wait to see the rest of the scrapbook pictures...

Travis Schenk said...

I wish I hadn't seen this post at work cause I'm crying. I love them so much and miss them.

It really is amazing that Zion looks like our mom. I had never noticed before.