Thursday, March 18, 2010

If I sold my car, I could get....

If I sold my car I could get:

The couch of my dreams!
Its $4000. So come to think of it, I couldn't get this couch. My car is only worth $3000. Dangit.

Restoration Hardware - Lancaster Collection

But I could buy this couch! Which is almost as awesome. It is exactly $3000. Think E will go for it?

Z Gallerie

(Mom, if you're reading this. Take deep breaths. I'm not really going to sell my car for an overpriced sofa. :)


Carmen Klapper said...

Bethany, I've always wanted that same sofa from Restoration Hardware! Let me know if you ever get it so I can come sit for a while. ; )

Grandma S said...

I don't like the arms of the second one. Too square and uncomfortable.

Erin and Bethany said...


Maybe if we go in on the couch together we could afford it. We could share custody. Husbands don't mind moving couches twice a year, right? :)

Erin and Bethany said...

I agree with you about the arms, Mom.