Sunday, December 07, 2008


A little late and anti-climactic now, but here ya go!

(We were past the tired phase and at the goofy phase)

We spent Thanksgiving in Springfield, MO with Erin's parents and had a nice time.
(Aren't we cute?)

We all took part in the cooking. It was a delicious meal. Erin made pineapple cheese casserole, and I made Mom's (Schenk) stuffing and an amazing homemade butterscotch pie.

We also went rollerskating which was lots o fun.
(Lookin' a little pale and matchy matchy)

(Beautiful pic of Jenn!)

(Sharon rollerskating)


Grandma S said...

So what's the pineapple cheese casserole? What recipe was I supposed to send you, Bethany?

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was just on here reading around and noticed you were in Springfield for Thanksgiving. That's where I spent time after Christmas and New Years! My in-laws live there!