Wednesday, April 09, 2008

In Honor Of Travis

If you look at Travis's comment to my last post, you will understand what he is referencing. Thomas Beatie (in above picture) is man who used to be a woman. He had the trans-gender surgery to become a man but kept some of the "female parts". He then married a woman and when his wife was unable to conceive he had invetro fertilization and is now a pregant man. Weird and gross, and in general, perverted, huh? Anyway, that is what Travis was referring to. And though I appreciate the veiled compliment, I take some offense. I mean, I know I was one of the world's ugliest children. However, I wasn't THAT bad was I??? ...... Don't answer that :)


Grandma S said...

You were not ugly!!! Travis was just jealous that you were so cute and got so much attention.

The beauty inside you just spills out all over the place. you can't help but be beautiful, espcially with such a special hairdresser.

by the way, i've been told many times that you look like me!

Grandma S said...

I sure am getting tired of seeing the same thing on this blog. Maybe you need to have a baby so you'll have an excuse to change the pictures more often.
